
Trinity Ladies Guild

The Trinity Lutheran Church Ladies Guild is an auxiliary organization of the congregation of member women who operate in conjunction with the LCMS Ladies Guild both nationally and the Southern District.

Sanctuary Choir

Our choir is led by Mary Baldwin, Minister of Music, and includes adults and high school youth who want to sing with us. We sing anthems and lead the congregation is hymns and songs of praise during our worship services including special services during Christmas and Easter seasons. All that is needed is a desire to sing praises to God together with our group. Reading music or special talent is not required. We practice on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. and warm-up on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. Come and join us!

Church Council

The council members include those officers elected by the congregation as follows: - President, 1 year term - Vice President, 1 year term - Secretary, 1 year term - Treasurer, 1 year term - Elders, 3 or more, 3 year terms - Trustees, 3 or more, 3 year terms Other representatives invited to all bi-monthly council meetings for reports: - Pastor - Director Christian Education - Director of Music - Ladies Guild - Events Committee - Thrivent Representative
